On this page you will find helpful credit resources. To view content, please click the red headlines.
Credit Reports and Services:
Annual Credit Report
This central site allows you to request a free credit file disclosure, commonly called a credit report, once every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

Privacy Guard
PrivacyGuard offers a comprehensive credit and identity theft protection plan.

Equifax is one of the main credit bureaus as well as a well-respected and established provider of consumer credit services. Equifax provides consumers with a wide range of credit monitoring services. Equifax also offers a plan for consumers who are looking to monitor their credit score, and there are several options for those who simply want to receive access to their credit reports and scores.
Trused ID
TrustedID provides identity theft protection services that prevent thieves from stealing a victim's identity and committing credit fraud, and it offers a $1,000,000 guarantee. TrustedID is the perfect solution for customers whose personal information has already been compromised or who want to protect themselves against credit fraud.

Life Lock
LifeLock offers consumers protection from identity theft and credit fraud. As an alternative to traditional credit monitoring services that alert customers after their credit information has already been compromised, LifeLock blocks access to consumers credit files before thieves are able to access them. They also offer helpful services to your customers such as stopping pre-approved credit offers and providing a smooth experience when trying to obtain new credit.

Identity Guard
Identity Guard offers credit monitoring and identity theft prevention services with a wide range of identity theft protection plans available to help your customers secure their personal information, and they also provide access to credit reports and credit scores from the three major credit bureaus.

Identity Truth
IdentityTruth provides credit monitoring and identity theft prevention services that can help protect your customers from credit fraud for less than $10 a month with a $2 million guarantee.
Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Give consumers access to their credit report and credit score for free through Privacy Matters 1-2-3. As one of the most popular consumer protection programs in the nation, Privacy Matters 1-2-3 comes with powerful credit management and monitoring tools - making it easy for your customers to keep on top of their personal credit information.

myFICO is a part of the same organization that developed the FICO Score, which is the most widely established measurement of consumer credit that is used by financial institutions and lenders today. myFICO is also a well-respected provider of credit services and information, and they offer a wide range of options including credit report and score monitoring plans as well as several packages for customers that simply want access to their credit reports and scores.
Consumer Resources:
You have the right to receive a copy of your credit report. Each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – is required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months.

If a company denies your application, you have the right to the name and address of that credit bureau.

If you question the accuracy or completeness of information in your report, you have the right to file a dispute with the consumer reporting company and the information provider.

You have a right to add a summary explanation to your credit report if your dispute is not resolved to your satisfaction. Learn More @ The FTC Web Site
This is the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA) as prepared by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It is intended only as a convenience for the public and not a substitute for the text in the U.S. Code. Learn More
A number of government and private organizations have information about various aspects of identity theft and fraud: how it can occur, what you can do about it, and how to guard your privacy. To help you learn more about the problem and its solutions, here are a list of Web sites that you might find interesting and informative on identity theft and related topics.
[Note: All Web sites to which these pages cross-link are included as a service for the reader. Cross-links to non-governmental sites do not constitute an endorsement or approval of their content, or of the organizations responsible for that content, by the Department of Justice.]

United States Gov:
California Department of Consumer Affairs
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Trade Commission - Congressional Testimony
Federal Trade Commission - Fighting Back Against ID Theft
United States Postal Inspection Service
United States Secret Service

Canada Gov:
Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner

Non-Government [United States:]
American Association of Retired Persons
Better Business Bureau - Alert
Better Business Bureau -- Eastern Massachusetts/Maine/Vermont
Center for Democracy and Technology
National Association of Attorneys General
National Consumers League
National Fraud Information Center
xvii. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse

Learn More From The FTC About Identity Theft
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